Scrambler therapy: Implications for chronic pain relief in pediatrics.

1.26 J Pediatr Nurs. 2018 Dec 28. pii: S0882-5963(18)30587-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2018.12.009. [Epub ahead of print]

Scrambler therapy: Implications for chronic pain relief in pediatrics.

Mele Cheryl1, Goldschmidt Karen2.

1 University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, United States of America. Electronic address:

2 Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America. Electronic address:

PMID: 30598252

DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2018.12.009

… ST is a noninvasive medical device with encouraging results and may be a safe alternative to chronic refractory pain in the pediatric patient population. The majority of the research of ST in adult patients demonstrates relief of symptoms in neuropathic and mixed pain syndromes without serious side effects. Highlighting a few of the pediatric cases published in the literature describes how ST might be beneficial to children as well.